Dr. Clyde Lettsome, PhD, PE, MEM has successfully renewed his Florida Professional Engineering (PE) license. To renew his license, he had to successfully complete continuing education courses within his engineering discipline and a course on the engineering laws & rules as set by the Florida Board of Professional Engineers in:
“It is important that I maintain a standard of excellence and continue to show that I am staying abreast of changing technology, says Dr. Lettsome. “It is important that clients and the public in general feel a sense of confidence in the statements I make and work I perform as I must abide by the high ethical and moral standards set by the Board.”
Obtaining and maintaining a PE license indicates that a decreed engineer has been deemed by the licensing state as a competent engineer in his or her engineering discipline. In many cases, the professional engineering designation is required for individuals to practice and work as an engineer.
Dr. Lettsome has over 16 years of technical and professional experience. Using his technical, business, and education experience, Dr. Lettsome finds ways to cut cost while improving productivity for consumers and his business customers. Some of his other notable accomplishments include:
• 3 time National Science Foundation Fellow
• Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers and Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers published author
• President of Calabrix Corporation when they were named one of the winners in the 2009 Office Depot “Survival of the Smartest” contests
• Outstanding Instructor at the Georgia Institute of Technology (top five graduate engineering and technology university according to US News and World Report Graduate School edition)
• EzineArticle.com expert author
If you would like to connect with or read more of Dr. Lettsome’s writings, you may find more articles from him and read more about him at https://www.clydelettsome.com read his consumer blogs at https://www.findhiddendiscounts.com.